The 9.2.0 release of FACTS contains a new secure email option. To implement this feature, a new check box, Secure, was added to Company Control F/M (SMF920) and System Control F/M (SMF950) to indicate whether a secure server socket is used for email.
These are the connection requirements:
Simple Client/Server Secure (SSL) communications requirements
To use the secure email capability customers must acquire a PxPlus v2017 (v14) license. Note that FACTS version 9.2.0 is only “vetted” for PxPlus v2016 (v13). Infor has tested/vetted PxPlus V2017 (v14) for this feature only.
Note this summary information:
Previously in CenPOS Token Management (SME958), all tokens created under any linked MID were displayed. However, using a token created under MID #1, for example, for payment, when in MID #2, was not allowed. In FACTS 9.2 a new field, MID, was added to CenPOS Token Management to identify the MID for a token. Additional processing changes now allow the user to select a linked MID for payment/deposit. Editing or deleting a token created under MID #1 is not allowed when working in MID #2.
In FACTS 9.2, a new alert, ServiceHold (Alert Code: SvcHold) was included to notify the user when an SO document is placed on service hold or released from service hold. Any SO document placed on service hold or released from service hold generates the alert.
You can access the Alert Control Center (ALE100) to view and optionally dismiss this alert. The alert is raised when a new S4 background program, BK610, checks the new svc_alert_action field in SORSOH. Management of this field is via IO procedures. When a service hold alert action or service hold release alert action is issued, the alert is raised and users are directed to Order Review (SOE230), based on the type of alert being responded to.
Note: New orders, which are created with an initial Hold status, will not generate an alert
These alert types are available:
This information is available for the alert:
In FACTS 9.2, a new alert, CreditHold (Alert Code: CrdHold) was included to notify the user when a sales order is placed on credit hold or released from credit hold. Any SO document placed on credit hold or released from credit hold generates the alert.
You can access the Alert Control Center to view and optionally dismiss this alert. The alert is raised when a new S4 Background program (BK610) checks the new crd_alert_action field in SORSOH. Management of this field is via IO procedures. When a credit hold alert action or credit hold release alert action is issued, the alert is raised and users are directed to Order Review (SOE230) based on the type of alert being responded to.
Note: New orders, which are created with an initial Hold status, will not generate an alert
These alert types are available:
This information is available for the alert.